
Tooth jewellery is a cosmetic dental treatment that involves attaching small, decorative gems or jewels to your teeth to enhance their appearance. The gems are usually made of materials like crystals or diamonds, and they are attached using a dental adhesive.

Here are some important aspects of tooth jewellery treatment:

  • Consultation: Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with your dentist to discuss the options for tooth jewellery and determine the best placement and size of the jewel.
  • Cleaning: Your dentist will clean and polish the tooth to ensure that the adhesive will bond properly to the tooth surface.
  • Application: The jewel is applied to the tooth using a dental adhesive. The adhesive is applied to the surface of the tooth and then the jewel is carefully placed and held in place until the adhesive sets.
  • Removal: Tooth jewellery can be easily removed by your dentist at any time. The removal process is quick and painless and involves gently scraping the adhesive off the tooth surface.

Tooth jewellery is a safe and non-invasive cosmetic dental treatment that can add a unique and personalized touch to your smile. The jewels are small and lightweight, so they do not cause any discomfort or affect your bite or speech. However, it is important to remember that tooth jewellery is a cosmetic treatment and does not serve any functional purpose in terms of improving the health or function of your teeth.